星期三, 5月 10, 2006

Have never been

Something crying! I felt it.

The place I stayed here is one of places I will pass by.

Maybe I love it, or not.
Perphaps I will never be here again, or think abou it.

Those people who take changed through my heart were gone, absolutely zero to me.
I knew it, it always is my fault.
I missed it, even there is no any laugh in my side.

With my music, I never have been alone.
However I need someone open the air, without any barriers.

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Oh, My Dear
You are not alone, Cause we are always be your side.

Come on, Some day go to Taipei
we can grow something wonderful Begonias together...
Thinking about that make you happier

Bless you