星期四, 8月 26, 2010

Clematis texensis Ladybird Johnson

New Clematic floweting in my house. Dark Rad flower with 1" 1/2 size blooms at hot summer time.

星期三, 8月 25, 2010

Chirita Crossroads

Chirita Crossroads, comes from Atzuko's hibirds, quite large plants with lavender flower potted in 5" square pot.

星期三, 8月 18, 2010

Habenaria medusa

Habenaria medusa, one kind of terrestial orchid, frist time blooming in the green house on the roof.

Supposed that flower should like a displaying white crane or the hair of medusa, just as it's name, in the normal or cooler temperature used. However, maybe dued to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon, the dry and continuing hot temperature in summer time make flowers twist and ugly.

星期一, 8月 16, 2010

Sinn. 'Pirate's Petite Blueberry'

Sinn. 'Pirate's Petite Blueberry'
35/29 degree
Full Sun.

星期日, 8月 15, 2010

Sinn. hybirds.

Sinn. hybirds. (Pirate's selected)

Cherry pink tops and dots contrasts with white base flower blooms in 36 oC in Taiwan.

Hot summer makes everything wrong indeed.

過了似乎是獨立跟幼稚的交叉點後, 人的生活似乎就這麼的被鐵窗給限制住。


