星期二, 9月 28, 2010

Difference between Chirita "Blue Moon" and "Moonlight"

Description :
Chirita "Moonlight" (Boggan) Medium blue-purple. Green and silver markings, compact.
Chirita "Blue Moon"(Boggan) A stemless rosette that grows about 12” across. Blue-purple flowers over dark bluish-green leaves

In my place, two kinds of flowers look almost same and pattern on the leafs are hardly being distinguished. The silver markings only presented under the low temperature or high temperature difference enivorment, In hot summer at north of Taiwan, 34 Cin Day and 29 C in night, the markings will disappear and turns leafs into almost green. 

 The flower of "C.  Moonlight"

The  flower of "C. Blue Moon"

From the description, you can find the obly difference out in these two very similar hybirds only by the plant sizes. Acutally, the moonlignt easily tends to a multi-growth on one stem and her sizes is around 20 cm across. in contrast,  the blue moon growth as only one plant, hardly lateral buds produced, and sizes can reach to 35-40 cm. 

The plant size (~40cm) of C. Blue Moon
