This is the kingdom of my dream world. All my fantastic photons and articles are be my experience firsthand recently. Enjoy it and feel it!
星期四, 11月 11, 2010
星期三, 11月 10, 2010
星期一, 11月 01, 2010
Sinn. 'Pirate's Panguno Rakaso'
Sinn. 'Pirate's Panguno Rakaso' which was hybirded by my good friend Alfredo in Taiwan blooms out at end of summer and early Autum. The light purpur with dark spots is coloring in the center of large elegant white flower. Following pictures are sorting by cold autum to hot summer.
2010.11.1 Temperature 17 C
2010.10.24 Temperature 23 C
2010.10.18 Temperature 26 C
2010.10.10 Temperature 28 C
2010.11.1 Temperature 17 C
2010.10.24 Temperature 23 C
2010.10.18 Temperature 26 C
2010.10.10 Temperature 28 C
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